Why is Glass so Trendy in Commercial Buildings?

Glass is a versatile material. Glass can absorb, refract or transmit light. It has the ability to make any building more luxurious and modern. The use of glass in the facade and interior of the building adds to the atmosphere. Interiors appear larger and more open with abundant natural lighting. Glass allows for innovative design, and can be used to improve insulation and energy efficiency. However, there are many different types of glass, and selecting the right type for a project can present a technical challenge. Benefits of using glass as a building material Glass is widely used in commercial buildings, mainly because of its special characteristics and benefits. This section summarizes some of the benefits of glass as a building material. Physical Properties Glass is an excellent electrical insulator. Malleable glass can be blown, drawn and pressed into any shape. It is a versatile material with many applications ranging from general glazing to furniture. Glass is resistant to abra...